It’s a New Year and according to statista, the number one New Year’s resolution Americans will make is to “do more exercise or improve my fitness”. Fifty percent of those who participated in the poll mentioned exercise as their main goal. Losing weight was a close second, at 48%. With over 74% of us , age twenty or older, being overweight, or obese, that is not a bad idea. The truth is, however, there are said to be four pillars of health; nutrition, exercise, relaxation, and sleep. These four elements work together to keep our minds and bodies healthy. Focusing on just one pillar will not lead us to the overall wellness goals we are really trying to achieve. There is one element that is central to achieving success in each of these four pillars. That key element is nature. Connecting with nature can help us successfully enhance and integrate each of these pillars so we can lead a healthy lifestyle. So why not set the intention of increasing our connection with nature this new year? Start the new year off by experiencing the many holistic benefits that Mother Nature is willing to share with us so that we can lead a healthier, more joy-filled life? We invite you to sign-up now for our free, e-newsletter at Scroll down to the bottom of the homepage and enter your email address. You will receive occasional emails with information, research, resources, tips, and much more on how you can deepen your relationship with nature, and by extension enhance your health and well-being. Looking for information right now, so you can get started right away while your motivation is hot? Visit The Nature Nurse™, PLLC website and perhaps one of these options will be just what you are looking for:
We love nature and have experienced the many holistic benefits she offers. With over 1000 studies showing that connecting with nature is an essential part of living a healthy lifestyle, we are committed to sharing this joyful way to practice self-health. This year we will be launching new programs and opportunities so be sure to stay in touch! Let’s start the New Year off in a healthy direction. By setting the intention to deepen our relationship with nature we are sure to invite amazing new experiences into our lives which will enrich our health and well-being. Author: Susan Allison-Dean, MS, RN, AHN-BC, CCAP. Susan is a Board Certified Advanced Holistic Nurse with over thirty years of nursing experience. She is also a Certified Clinical Aromatherapy Professional.
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