For many of us living in the Northern Hemisphere, the world outside our doors is going through its annual Autumn rituals. The full Hunter’s Moon just beamed in the dark cool sky, then lingered long into the morning before setting. Pumpkins, gourds and other fall vegetables are bountiful. The magnificent foliage show is performing right before our eyes. Following the lead of the trees, we too can shed what no longer serves us in order to store up energy to grow stronger. Deciduous trees of all types are cutting of their connection with the leaves that grew on their fingertips, once lush and green; allowing them to metamorphosize into blazing shades of reds gold, orange, eventually into brown. We can lighten our load, too, so we can retain our positive energy for the darker months ahead. Let’s take a look at how each of us can do this, letting go of one leaf at a time. First, we need to identify what no longer serves us. Maybe we aren’t eating the food that best nourishes our bodies and we need to let go of unhealthy choices. Who are the people in our life that we may love, but they are constantly dragging us down with their drama? What limiting beliefs are we allowing to invade our minds, filling us with doubt or fear? As you identify your dying leaves, write them down if you need to. There’s no rush. Notice how all the leaves don’t fall off a tree in one moment. It’s a slow process. We can shed our leaves slowly too. Next, go outside and pick up some leaves, then stand next to a pond or river. Pick one of the items on your list, let’s say, for example, “I am letting go of doing for others what they can do for themselves.” Toss the leave into the water, mentally releasing this burden, and watch as the leaf floats away. Repeat, release, as often as you desire over this Autumn season. Notice the relief you may feel, a sense of newfound inner strength, perhaps space to fill with new, more positive thoughts, relationships, or behaviors. As the days ahead continue to darken, we may want to use this time to go deeper inside ourselves. Reflect on the year that has passed, write down what we are grateful for, and explore what exciting ideas and desires are starting to stir inside our newly cleared space. Learn more holistic ways to experience joy, enhance your health and well-being by subscribing to our free newsletter! Visit our home page for the link.
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January 2025
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