Book Review: Nature Connection: Fixing our Broken Relationship with Nature. *This blog contains affiliate links which will contribute a small fee to the work of The Nature Nurse™, PLLC without any added charge to you if you choose to purchase one of the books mentioned in the blog. Imagine being on the Titanic tourist submarine right now. The world watching with bated breath hoping and praying that the people trapped way below the ocean's surface with limited air are found and rescued. It’s yet again, another real-time, real-life drama playing out before our very eyes. Just as the images of orange-tinged smoke engulfed New York City and other areas in the United States due to wildfires miles away in Canada this month. All reminders of how important the ability to breathe is to our survival. As it turns out, trying to live without a reverent relationship with our natural world, is like trying to survive without breathing. Dr. Mile’s Richardson newly published book, Nature Connection: Fixing our Broken Relationship with Nature is a much-need dose of oxygen to aid not only the health and well-being of humans but the health of our planet. Richardson skillfully weaves several recent studies into a relentless manifesto declaring that having a relationship, not just visiting or recreating, with our natural world is essential to humans' well-being and the more biodiverse the setting, the more it supports our mental health. This comes at a time when biodiversity is plunging. What Richardson does not include in his book is the big elephant in the room: the human population has been growing rapidly over the past several years. The author does include how the shift in our thinking and relationship with the natural world has been a catalyst for our destruction of plants, soil, wildlife, water, and more. So how do we begin to restore our home, planet Earth? Richardson outlines a formula, based on recent studies, that needs to be integrated into policy, practice, and education immediately to turn this modern-day Titanic situation around. Although most of this book references situations in the United Kingdom, I found it very pertinent to what is going on in the United States also. Richardson’s book joins the likes of other nature relationship-promoting books such as Blue Mind by Wallace J. Nichols and Sacred Nature by Karen Armstrong. Each of these authors calls on us to establish and cultivate a loving relationship with our natural world. This is a bold step in the world of science which traditionally dictates keeping emotion out of the narrative. Yet emotion is the biggest motivator for behavior. Nature Connection: Fixing our Broken Relationship with Nature is an essential read for leaders, policymakers, educators, healthcare professionals, and anyone else looking for the path to a planet where we can live well and in harmony with our natural world. Ready to learn more about how you can deepen your relationship to our natural world and live a more sustainable, vibrant life? Subscribe now to The Nature Nurse™, PLLC seasonal, free e-newsletter on the homepage of this website now.
Preface: If I had a dollar for every time someone said to me, "I don't know how you can be a nurse. I could never do that," I could have retired YEARS ago. Nursing tests your mind, body and spirit. Finding ways to sustain ourselves personally, and professionally, is imperative. I am delighted to see more nurses developing a relationship with Mother Nature and sharing this important connection with others. Please welcome guest blogger, Ashley, and be sure to share your thoughts in the comments below. Thank you, Sue Allison-Dean Nature and Nursing. These two may seem to have much in common, but getting out in nature helped me become a better nurse. Maybe it could help you become better at what you do too.
I started getting outdoors as a stress reliever during the pandemic and was quickly hooked! The more time I spent in nature, the more I realized how it helped me to be a more confident, calm nurse. Here are the ways that time outdoors can improve your life:
If you feel like the heavy weight of nursing or anything that you are devoting your time to, is starting to become overwhelming, consider spending more time outside. You may be surprised by how much better it can make you feel. About Ashley: Ashley is a registered nurse with 6 years of experience in bedside and outpatient nursing. During the pandemic, she started to spend more time outdoors and realized how beneficial it was to her physical and mental health during an incredibly stressful time. This has inspired her to motivate others in the healthcare field to spend more time outdoors to prevent burnout. She hosts Minnesota trash cleanups and group hikes to help other healthcare workers connect. In September she is hosting a group camping trip to teach others how to hike & camp in a safe and welcoming environment! Connect with Ashley on Instagram @theroamingrn |
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