Live in harmony with Mother Nature ...
experience a more joyful, vibrant,
awe-inspiring life!
About Me:
Welcome! I am Susan Allison-Dean, a Board Certified Advanced Holistic Nurse, Certified Clinical Aromatherapy Professional, who specializes in nature connection. My nursing career began as a staff nurse, then evolved into a Clinical Nurse Specialist role specializing in wounds, ostomies and incontinence. I practiced at Yale for the first half of my career, holding a join position with Yale-New Haven Hospital and Yale University.
In 1999, I experienced a series of devastating family losses and discovered that my love of the natural world goes beyond recreating. Mother Nature stepped in and provided solace and healing I couldn't find from people. A few years later, while meditating, I repetitively received a strong message-"The Nature Nurse". I felt a strong intuitive nudge to create this platform, and shift from disease-model care to health promotion. I began doing a deep exploration of the miraculous healing power Mother Nature offers, and now offer it to you! |
When I am not working to build the relationship between women and Mother Nature, I enjoy writing, exploring, spending time with my family and friends, and have begun to dabble in painting. My favorite animals are whales, dolphins, and dogs. You will find me advocating for cetaceans!
I look forward to learning more about you and discovering more of Mother Nature's wonders together!
I look forward to learning more about you and discovering more of Mother Nature's wonders together!
Listen to my discussion with fellow Holistic Nurse, Ellen Kamhi, Ph.D., R.N., AHG, AHN-BC as we discuss how adding nature to your wellness toolbox can help improve your health! Click link and scroll to the bottom to hear the radio podcast: Listen